Rachel Turnpenney will be speaking at the HRD Employment Law Masterclass Toronto 2023 on September 7, 2023

Rachel Turnpenney will be speaking at the HRD Employment Law Masterclass Toronto 2023 on September 7, 2023 at 11:25 am. She’ll be speaking on employers’ legal obligations, and how they can support employees while still meeting the needs of the business.   

The Employment Law Masterclass will give you the latest update on employment law legislation and complex regulatory concerns at the Employment Law Masterclass Toronto – where they will be unpacking critical information, evolving employment trends, and what the new normal means for your business.

They will be addressing questions like:

  • How can employers accommodate workers with mental or physical disabilities while still meeting business goals?
  • How can employers identify and respond to incidents of bullying and harassment in the office and in hybrid workplaces?
  • How can employers best manage employee privacy and balance it with the needs of the business?

Get the insights you need, from top lawyers who know best – reserve your seat and be part of the conversation.

All are Welcome to join, click here to register.